Winning Parlay System

Posted : admin On 7/23/2022
Winning Parlay System Rating: 4,5/5 2548 votes

The Parlay system is commonly used in sports betting, but many casino players opt for incorporating it while betting on games like roulette, baccarat, and blackjack. In fact, this is among the most popular betting systems and most commonly-used betting methods by lovers of roulette.

  1. Winning Party Systems
  2. Winning Parlay System Chart
  3. Winning Parlay System
  4. Winning Parlay System Chart

Its origins can be traced back to the 16th century when aristocrats used to incorporate it in the then-popular card game basset. The latter was played against the banker, and according to its rules, players’ winnings needed to remain on the table, and they were doubled with each subsequent bet.

The odds on a point spreads-based parlay are as follows: 3 teams: 6 to 1; 4 teams: 10 to 1; 5 teams 25 to 1; 6 teams 40 to 1; For 10 teams, the odd are 600 to 1. If you play a winning parlay system with such high odds, the returns can turn your fortune around. So if you want to play a winning parlay system, it is recommended to. All wagers must win in order for a parlay bet to be successful. The entire stake will be lost if even just one of the selected wagers lose. If one or more of the selections push (tie), then the payout is reduced to what it would have been had those selections not been included. Parlays can be extremely powerful when used correctly.

When a given player “parlays”, they wager their winnings in addition to their original stake. The system can be used by roulette novices as well since it is easy to learn and implement. The Parlay betting system is applicable to both inside and outside bets in roulette, which renders it suitable for risk-averse and more daring players alike.

How Does the Parlay System Work

Unlike the Martingale betting system that is employed predominantly by roulette novices, rather experienced lovers of the game are the ones that lean towards employing the Parlay betting system. It stands out as a go-with-the-flow method of betting on roulette as players can easily determine what amount they need to put on a stake on the next spin of the wheel.

The main reason why the Parlay betting system enjoys greater popularity among roulette fans is that it is not as aggressive as the Fibonacci betting system, for example. While players decide to put the Fibonacci betting system through its paces, they will see how their wagers rise steeply, which comes to explain why most of them prefer to steer clear of the betting method.

Most players advise against that betting system due to the fact that in most cases, what they will bump up against is ending up with an emptied bankroll or reaching the upper limit that is imposed on stakes. The same cannot be said about the Parlay betting system due to the fact that the staked amounts will not go through the roof in the twinkling of an eye.

The Parlay resembles the Paroli system and the reversed Labouchere as it is based on a positive betting progression meaning that players are expected to increase the amount of their stakes after each win and decrease it after a loss. Since roulette lovers will be required to reduce the amount they will put on the line each time they fail to make an accurate prediction of the winning number, this renders the Parlay betting system a relatively safer alternative when compared to other betting systems.

The Parlay system depends on players’ runs of success or in other words, on an imbalance in their favour, which allows them to enter a winning streak. Many players prefer to use this betting method because, with the Parlay betting system, they will not need to risk their own funds as in practice, they will bet using the winnings they have accumulated.

If you want to use the Parlay betting system in roulette, the first thing you need to do is decide how much your basic betting unit will be. It is also important for you to set a maximum win limit so that you could know when to take your winnings off the table. You can keep placing flat outside bets that pay even money until you register your first win. After that, you can double the size of your stake after each win and reduce it to the initial betting unit once you enter a losing streak.

It would be best to demonstrate how the Parlay works with an example. Let’s suppose you start with an initial betting unit of £10. You have set a maximum win limit of £240 for this session. You want to place an outside bet on Black, which has an even-money payout of 1 to 1. Your even-money bet on Black wins, so you double your stake and bet £20 on Black.

Your second bet also proves to be successful, so you are required to wager £40 on your third bet on Black. Luck is on your side, and you happen to win again. This time, you decide to wager the profit of £40 on a Dozen bet on the first 12 numbers. Number 8 is spun, and you win £120 this time. Next, you opt for betting the sum of £120 on Even. The ball lands on number 14, and you end up winning £240 since Odd/Even bets also pay even money.

Popular Roulette Casino Systems
The Martingale Betting System
The Parlay Betting System
Paroli Betting System
D’Alembert Betting System
Labouchere Betting System

At this point, it is recommendable to take your profit of £240 off the table because you have reached the maximum win limit you had set for yourself. But if your luck fails you prior to reaching the win limit, you will be required to go back to your initial betting unit of £10 and start the progression all over again.

Setting a maximum win limit is crucial as it serves to indicate at which stage of the game players need to collect their profit. Without settling on such a limit, players are risking to let their winnings ride for too long and potentially lose everything without turning any profit whatsoever. Even though players will be using their winnings for their further bets, not their funds, this does not mean that they should chunk the entire profit they have collected so far away.

Something important gambling aficionados should consider is that at the end of the Parlay betting system, they might be ahead, but if they are not, their net losses will be equivalent to the base bet unit they have originally chosen. That is the reason why it is advisable to pick and choose carefully.

Winning Parlay System

In spite of the fact that scoring two successive wins seems like the main issue for gambling enthusiasts while employing other betting methods, with the Parlay betting system, this is not such a major issue.

While utilising the Parlay betting system, gambling enthusiasts will be looking to score two consecutive wins after they have augmented the staked amount because they have just won, instead of boosting the staked amount with the idea to recoup the losses they have incurred.

Although while utilising this betting system, placing one losing wager is unlikely to have such a detrimental effect on your bankroll, it can still presage a string of losing stakes during which players might see their winnings vanish.

Still, what poses as an issue for gambling enthusiasts is that most of them do not content themselves with the modest profit they have managed to accrue and eventually, lose to the casino.

While the Parlay betting system is not a never-failing way of generating profit while playing roulette, sometimes, it can aid casino enthusiasts to snatch big wins without assuming that big risk.

Of course, a good level of discipline is also required so as to enhance your chances to get ahead at the end of your betting session.

The Parlay System
Spin Bet (units) Outcome Total Profit
1 10 WIN 10
2 20 WIN 30
4 40 WIN 120
5 120 WIN 240
6 240 LOSS 0
7 10 LOSS -10
8 10 WIN 0
9 20 WIN 20
10 40 WIN 60
11 80 WIN 140
12 160 WIN 300

Less Aggressive Parlay Betting System

Much like the rest of the betting systems that can be employed in roulette, certain modifications can be made also to the Parlay betting system. Gambling aficionados who insist on making use of the betting system, but are on a tight budget or are simply risk-averse might be more comfortable with the idea to put on the line a single chip instead of starting their progression by staking two chips.

Thus, if players put a single chip on an even-money stake, and they lose, they will be just one chip behind. If their second stake of one chip also turns out to be losing one, players will be two chips behind. If players do not win on their third wager as well, they will have lost 3 chips so far. In the event that their fourth wager wins, they will compensate for some of the losses they have incurred during the first three spins of the wheel and will be only 2 chips behind.

The reason why some roulette players prefer to stick to this modified version of the betting system is that it allows them to preserve their bankroll longer than the original.

It is important to note that players can go for whatever base bet unit they prefer, but what is specific is that instead of doubling the amount they will stake, they need to hold it the same when a win occurs.

Of course, if players opt for this mild version of the progressive system, the profit they will walk away with during a favourable run will not be that impressive.

Yet, on the positive side of things, if players manage to score several wins in a row, they will be ahead, and even if they lose on their next wager, they will not need to part with all their winnings. This is exactly what makes this method of betting on roulette so popular with players.

Advantages of the Parlay Betting System

One of the biggest advantages of adopting the Parlay system in the game of roulette is its very simplicity. Players are not required to be rocket scientists in order to understand and master the system. Using it involves minimum decision making, which renders it suitable for less experienced players as well.

Then again, using the Parlay involves less risk for players since their bets remain relatively small. Furthermore, they are using their winnings when they increase their bet size after making a correct pick about the winning number. Practically, the funds do not come from their bankroll because they continue betting with house money they were awarded for their winning wagers, which is sometimes a double-edged sword as players become less careful with the decisions they make.

Also, using this system instills some degree of discipline in players since they are recommended to collect their profits as soon as their predetermined win limit is reached. Players need to decide at which point they should stop playing and leave with their profits intact so as to ensure that ultimately, they will not end up with emptied bankroll and no winnings at all. Often it is tempting to let your winnings ride, but it would be easier for you to leave the roulette table on profit when you have set a maximum win limit for yourself.

Last but not least, the Parlay is among the most flexible betting systems. While most systems are designed to be used predominantly on even-money bets, the Parlay can be applied to both outside and inside bets that have different payouts. Since gambling enthusiasts will not be prompted to stick to one and the same bet type again and again so as to keep on using the system, they will be less likely to get bored and abandon the betting system they follow.

Disadvantages of the Parlay Betting System

Compared to some other betting systems, the Parlay has relatively few disadvantages. One of the biggest downsides of using it results from the fact that there is no guarantee of consecutive wins. In order to turn a substantial profit with the Parley, players are required to win quite a few times in a row.

The system is deemed unsuitable for long-term play since those who fail to control themselves while on a winning streak, risk losing all their profits. It is important to remember that the casino’s built-in advantage remains the same regardless of which betting system players implement. Besides, using the Parlay system does not affect the outcome of each spin of the wheel.

Can the Parlay Betting System Bring Players Regular Wins

There is no denying that one of the biggest advantages of this roulette betting system is that while employing it, gambling aficionados will use the money they have got from the casino for their further wagers, instead of putting their own money on the line.

Although this is one of the most probable explanations of why many casino enthusiasts are intrigued by this betting system, they should not forget that roulette is a game that is based on pure chance, which is the reason why betting systems, the Parlay included, ultimately turn out to be ineffective.

Perhaps, some of you might be aware of what gamblers’ fallacy is, but if you are not, you need to know that this term is used to describe the understanding that if a specific event takes place recurrently, that same event becomes less likely to be repeated in the future, and vice versa.

Apparently, this is a widespread misconception among gambling enthusiasts, and roulette lovers, in particular, but what they fail to take into account is the fact that each spin of the roulette wheel is an independent trial of a random process, and viewing the different rounds as interrelated events will be a completely wrongful approach.

Such erroneous beliefs are often associated with the game of roulette as casino enthusiasts often fall prey to the idea that if a specific number has not become a winning one for some time, it will certainly do so soon.

While betting on roulette, players’ decisions should not be dictated by streaks for the simple reason that each spin of the wheel is unrelated to the previous or the next spins.

Betting systems neither succeed in decreasing the house advantage nor give players better chances of winning. No matter how you will adjust the wagers you make, whether you will expand or lessen them after a win or a loss, it is inevitable to lose to the casino. As often happens while using betting systems, players simply blow their bankroll, together with their winnings, if any.

Another detail that is of great significance about the Parlay betting system is that much like the other similar methods for betting on roulette, it turns out to be ineffective when it comes to acquiring long-term profit.

Still, if you are seeking to get small yet frequent wins, the Parlay betting system might be the way to go, especially if you apply it to even-money roulette stakes such as Red, Black, Odd, Even, High, and Low.

NFL Betting Systems: The Definitive Guide to the Top Strategies

How big is the football betting market?

Forget baseball.

America’s favorite pastime is football.

The proof is in the pudding. And the Vegas sportsbooks. Football is by far the most bet on sport in the United States. To be specific, the Super Bowl.

This past year alone, the American Gaming Association estimated bettors to have wagered upwards of $4.7 billion dollars on the nation’s most-watched sporting event.

Despite an ongoing federal ban on sports betting outside Nevada (and sparingly in certain other states), the majority of that money comes from illegal bets placed outside of the Sagebrush State.

That’s right.

Only $132M of that $4.7B is considered legal.

And yet, betting for the sport continues to increase with each passing year. According to Jimmy Vaccaro, a prominent Las Vegas bookmaker, Americans wager upwards of $50 billion a year on NFL and college football combined.

That being said, the majority of bettors fail to turn a profit.

According to Dan Gordon, a top football handicapper and author of Beat the Sports Books(Cardoza Publishing 2005), throughout an entire NFL season, “fewer than one bettor in twelve turns a profit. Over the course of several seasons, the percentage of bettors who turn a profit is minuscule.”

Why do most NFL betting systems fail?

Well a standard bet requires bettors to wage $11 for every $10 they want to win. The extra $1 is called the juice.

Were it not for the juice, things might be different.

The average bettor might have a chance at real success. But as it stands, the odds and the money favor the bookmakers. A sports bettor has to select 52.4 percent winners simply to break even. But each year, the average Joe wins only 50 percent of the bets they make.

Treat NFL betting for what it is — a sophisticated network of constantly changing data points pouring through equally sophisticated predictive algorithms —

So it’s an uphill battle for most bettors dipping their toes in the waters of sports gambling.

The trick is to take things seriously.

Treat betting for what it is — a sophisticated network of constantly changing data points pouring through equally sophisticated predictive algorithms — and you might just have a chance at going from square to sharp.

But don’t be overwhelmed.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a serious bettor looking to make some well-informed decisions to take your football betting to another level.

Before we get into the fundamentals of NFL betting, let’s first take a look at the basics of our very own predictive wager system.

Our Betting Methodology and System

The Simulator is built based on a predictive model created by a doctor with an extensive background in mathematics, psychology, and operations research.

This individual has worked with multiple professional and collegiate sports organizations, player agents, sports data agencies and a top-ranked fantasy website. His work with professional sports organizations includes optimizing scout travel, in-depth player analysis and lineup configurations.

Correctly predict the winning team 74.33 percent of the time (on average) as compared to the experts who were correct 68.67 percent of the time

Among his greatest innovations was the discovery of neural networks as a powerful tool for sports betting.

A neural network is defined as a computer system modeled on the human brain and nervous system.

Using this technology, the good doctor found that, “the best networks were able to correctly predict the winning team 74.33 percent of the time (on average) as compared to the experts who were correct 68.67 percent of the time.”

While the model was initially developed around NBA betting, it has since been applied to other sports — chief among them, the NFL.

What makes the Sports Analytics Simulator unique is that it relies not on data inputs (statistics) from previous seasons, but on continuous game-to-game updates.

The Simulator’s specific algorithms run through up to forty different stat categories to create the most efficient model possible.

From this model, we derive our picks for each game. And the best part is, our system is a living, breathing predictive model — it possesses machine learning capacities that allow to detect trends and potentials that we mere humans could only dream of finding.

For more information, check out this handy dandy video on how it works.

NFL Betting Systems

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the fundamentals of NFL Betting. Essentially there are six different ways to bet on the NFL. Let’s run through them shall we?

NFL Spread Bet

The first and most popular form of NFL betting is spread-based. Which is pretty straightforward.

Bookmakers set a spread with a favorite and an underdog. In order for you to win on a bet of this nature, one team must cover the spread — so if the spread is -7 in favor of the Chiefs over the Steelers, the Chiefs must win by seven points or more.

Whereas in order for the Steelers to cover the spread, they must either lose by less than seven points, or win. To make it simpler, the spread gives the underdog a ‘head start’.

In this case, the Steelers have a +7 head start in points to kick off the game. Pretty straightforward stuff.

Now, if you simply want to bet on the winner of the game you’ll want to place a…

Moneyline Bet

Moneyline betting is an equally common form of sports betting as spread bets. The difference is that with moneylines, bookmakers will set lines representing the favorite and the underdog.

Let’s go back to this Chiefs-Steelers matchup.

Let’s say the Chiefs have a favored line of -150 and the Steelers have an underdog line of +125.

What this means is that in order to win a hundred dollars on the Chiefs, you must wage $150.

As for the underdogs, if you wage $100 you will win $125. So that’s that.

NFL Totals Bet

NFL totals betting is rather self-exploratory. Also known as over/under, this form of betting involves placing a wager on the total number of points scored by both teams combined in a game.

Let’s say bookmakers set an over/under of 55 points for the Chiefs and Steelers.

Your job as a bettor is to decide whether the score will be… over or under 55 points.

NFL Prop Bet

A prop bet is a special kind of bet that has nothing to do with the outcome or final score of a game.

Prop bets come in many different forms.

Some of them are player-based — how many yards or touchdowns a specific player scores. Some of them are based in live betting, i.e. if a team scores on a specific drive.

During the Super Bowl you’ll see all sorts of fun prop bets like coin toss wagers.

NFL Parlay Bet

You might have seen a parlay bet featured in the film, Silver Linings Playbook, (or read it in the book), wherein Pat Solitano’s father, Patrizio Sr., places a bet on the Eagles-Cowboys game and the judge outcome of Pat and Tiffany’s dance number in a local dance-off.

In order for Patrizio to win the bet, the Eagles must win their game against Dallas and Tiffany and Pat score 5 out of 10 in their dance competition.

This is what’s known as a parlay bet, wherein various games and outcomes are rubber-banded together into one single bet.

In order for the bettor to win the wager, all outcomes must unfold accordingly. This might involve a handful of other bets such as a totals bet and a moneyline bet.

In the NFL, this is a common form of betting to get more bang for your buck.

NFL Teaser Bet

A teaser bet is a form of parlay that involves a combination of two to ten NFL wagers in which you adjust the point spreads and/or totals in your favor in exchange for a lower payout.

When your teaser includes a point spread, you have the option to decrease the spread for the favorite or increase the spread for the underdog.

When you’re teasing a total, you can increase the under or decrease the over.

Like a parlay, winning the bet is dependent on all of the wagers winning.

Standard teasers are 6, 6.5 and 7-point. There’s also a sweetheart teaser, which offers you the choice to tease a line by 10 or 13 points.

It’s basically a parlay with a little bit of zazz.

The Most Important NFL Betting Stats

Now, knowing the forms of NFL betting is great but without the statistics to back up your wager, you’re S.O.L.

So what are the most important stats for successfully determining winners in an NFL game?

Well, it might not be what you think.

According to a prominent Vegas oddsmaker, one of the most integral statistics for betting the NFL is… duh duh duh dahhh… pass yards per attempt.

Teams that are successful and efficient in their passing game tend to carry the edge over their less successful opponents

In a passer’s league this makes a lot of sense.

Teams that are successful and efficient in their passing game tend to carry the edge over their less successful opponents. Taking this little known or acknowledged stat into account in your handicapping will no doubt help you find success in your waging.

The other big stat to consider in placing your bets is turnovers.

Seems pretty simple.

The team who averages more turnovers per game is likely to give up more scoring opportunities and thus the whole game.

Winning Party Systems

As we’ve said, the Sports Analytics Simulator utilizes up-to-date, real time game-to-game statistics to establish the most accurate predictions week in and week out. So it goes without saying that our model analyzes far more than just turnovers and passing yards per attempt.

Nonetheless, betting in any case involves a level of intuition. Therefore, even if you subscribe to the Simulator, it would behoove you to do your own research. Check out important stats. Take your time with each pick. Choose wisely based on time-tested methods and patterns.

Factors for NFL picks?

Aside from the aforementioned factors, you’ve got to consider other dynamics. For instance, what is the most pivotal quality of any team in the NFL?

I’ll give you a hint. It’s not a good quarterback. Teams with good quarterbacks flounder all the time in the NFL.

If an O-Line is good, the quarterback and running back will look good too. And you better bet your bottom dollar that an NFL team with a solid O-Line is far more likely to go the distance than a team with big holes and weaknesses in their front five

What really matters is the team’s offensive line.

Think the 2016-17 Dallas Cowboys. Sure, they failed to win a Super Bowl with a rookie quarterback and running back. But the majority of their success last season was owed directly to the strength of their offensive line.


If an O-Line is good, the quarterback and running back will look good too. And you better bet your bottom dollar that an NFL team with a solid O-Line is far more likely to go the distance than a team with big holes and weaknesses in their front five.

In order to successfully bet the NFL, you’ve got to consider these more understated and under-appreciated factors — such as a strong O-Line.

You’ve got to take it game by game and know that in this league, fortunes shift in an instant. There’s no perfect formula for effective betting.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t resources and numbers at your disposal to help you get the edge on oddsmakers.

With that said, let’s explore some of the biggest mistakes that squares (amateur bettors) often make when betting on the NFL.

Biggest mistakes with NFL betting

Winning Parlay System Chart

Money Management

The biggest mistake is money management.

If you have a $1,000 bankroll for the season, you should generally bet no more than $50 a game.

This seems pretty obvious but you’d be surprised (or maybe not) at the trouble amateur bettors have with this one.

It’s simple.

Don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose.

That means knowing what your bankroll is for a given season and being disciplined with your money. “Most people with an understanding of football gambling bet between 3 percent and 5 percent of their bankroll, increasing when they win and reducing when they lose,” says Jimmy Vaccaro. “If you have a $1,000 bankroll for the season, you should generally bet no more than $50 a game.”

Shop the Numbers

Another big mistake amateurs make is that they don’t account for a variety of numbers.

No sportsbook is exactly the same as another.

Winning Parlay System

Lines, differentials, totals, spreads will all look different depending on where you look. In the NFL, you might not think that .5 points is a significant. But you’d be wrong. So shop the numbers.

Don’t say yes to the first line you see.

Shopping the numbers will give you a better idea of potential outcomes and allow you to make a well-rounded decision on your bets.

What else? Well, let’s start with something basic.

Bet the Underdog at Home

There is probably no better bet in sports than playing an underdog at home

Winning Parlay System Chart

You might think betting on the favorite is the obvious option every time but you’d be wrong. “There is probably no better bet in sports than playing an underdog at home,” says Morey “Doc” Moseman, a professional gambler and sports consultant with for nearly 40 years. “Teams play inspired ball at home.

Slim underdogs regularly win outright.

Big underdogs often find ways to cover the spread and they rarely give up toward the end of a game in front of the home crowd.”

To revisit a favorite example, the Chiefs tend to claim the edge in the majority of their home games, no matter their status on the betting lines.


Winning parlay system chart

Because there’s magic at Arrowhead.

There’s more to lose when you’re playing before 150,000 of your fans’ scrutinizing eyeballs.

Here’s a list of some of the other worst betting mistakes you can make:

  1. Chasing your bets
  2. Getting vindictive
  3. Trying to win back losses
  4. Go after big wins to recoup losses
  5. Overly-promising wagers.

It’s like a night of heavy drinking. It might sound tempting beforehand. But the next day you’re likely to have some regret.

Remember that betting is a mathematician’s game.

There’s no large place for emotion in this game.

When it comes to the NFL, upon which more bets are placed than any other sport in America, that goes double. The oddsmakers have one job — and that’s to know their shit.

The key to beating them is knowing yours too.